Uganda’s Ambassador To Kenya Ggaliwango Dies In Nairobi

    Uganda’s ambassador to Kenya Dr. Hassan Waswa Ggaliwango is dead.

    A close family member says that Ggaliwango passed away in a hospital in Kenya’s capital Nairobi where he was rushed on Thursday last week when his condition deteriorated.

    Ggaliwango, who has been battling heart complications was initially admitted at Mulago National Specialised hospital. 

    Galiwango was the first High Commissioner of Uganda to present letters of credence to the President of Seychelles, which was a precursor for closer and deeper cooperation between the two countries.

    Prior to his appointment as ambassador, Ggaliwango served as the director of finance at the National Resistance Movement (NRM) party secretariat.

    He also served as Mbale resident district commissioner and Mbale Industrial Division LC III chairperson. 

    He is also the husband of Mbale City Woman MP, Connie Nakayenze Ggaliwango.