Mystery After A Man Is Decapitated In Vihiga

Police in Emuhaya have moved in to investigate the circumstances surrounding the decapitation of a 50-year-old man in his home last Tuesday.

In a security baraza held at Emuhanda village in Ebusiekwe Emukol’la Emuhaya, Deputy County Commissioner Chuk Masua urged residents to volunteer information to security apparatus that would aid police in apprehending the perpetrators.

“We are pleading with whoever decapitated Alfred Esilaba to drop it somewhere regardless of whether this was a ritualistic murder or a criminal activity,” Masua said.

On his part, Douglas Isaboke Emuhaya DCI invited family members to come for a DNA test to determine whether the trunk belonged to Esilaba, in order to rule out the possibility that the family buried someone who was not their kin.

While speaking to villagers, area MP Omboko Milemba urged Interior CS Prof Kithure Kindiki to take full responsibility for bringing the killers of Esilaba to justice.

“Kithure Kindiki is tasked with ensuring every Kenyan is secure. We will not remain calm as criminals begin killing our people in pursuit of body parts!” Mr Milemba added.

Milemba accused the government of failing to equip police posts he built with CDF funds, and he urged Interior CS Kithure Kindiki to post more police officers in Emuhaya and ensure they are equipped to protect residents.