US Embassy Denies Payment for President Ruto’s U.S. Visit Jet

The United States Embassy in Nairobi has firmly denied reports that it covered the costs of President William Ruto’s private jet for his visit to the United States.

The clarification comes amid speculation and rumors about the funding of the high-profile trip.

The private jet in question, a Boeing 737-700 business jet operated by Royal Jet of Dubai, has been a topic of discussion due to its association with ‘Hustler jet’ a previous scandal during the early days of the Jubilee administration.

The jet was used by President William Ruto during a shuttle diplomacy mission to four African countries in 2013, aimed at rallying support against the International Criminal Court (ICC) charges faced by then-President Uhuru Kenyatta and Vice President Ruto.

The trip was mired in controversy, with allegations of inflated costs and procurement irregularities.

The current use of the jet for President Ruto’s U.S. visit has once again brought attention to the costs associated with such high-profile travel. However, the U.S. Embassy spokesperson made it clear that the American government did not foot the bill for the jet’s chartering.

The spokesperson stated, “Just to be clear: The United States of America did not pay for President Ruto’s jet to the US.”

The denial by the U.S. Embassy puts to rest speculations about American taxpayers funding the private jet. However, it leaves open the question of who did cover the costs.

As with previous instances of such travel, it is likely that Kenyan taxpayers are bearing the financial burden.