Waita Lauds MCAs For Entrenching Devolution

Nzioka Waita, State House Chief of Staff

State House Chief of Staff Nzioka Waita has lauded MCAs for fostering development in Counties.

Waita, who will run for the Gubernatorial seat in Machakos said MCAs are critical in ensuring the entrenchment of devolution in Kenya.

He said MCAs know the intrinsic needs of the people they represent since they live amongst them and interact with them on a daily basis.

"We have a duty to give our people the development that they need, we have a duty to make them feel proud to be residents of Machakos County, most importantly we have a duty to work together to lift millions of our people out of poverty." the statement read in part.

In a 2022 Message to Ward Representatives in Machakos, Waita said County Assembly leaders are the first point of contact with citizens, hence the need to involve them in all development matters.

Waita says he will engage all MCAs in his development agenda in 2022.

“I want to walk with MCAs as I officially begin my development agenda for Machakos County”, Waita said.

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