Written By John Mutiso 📝
Roots party Presidential aspirant George Wajackoyah has been turned away by the IEBC for failing to submit the minimum required signatures of supporters endorsing him for the presidency.
Wajackoyah had a full list of supporters from 17 counties out of the required 24.
He has, however, been given until Thursday to comply with the requirement.
The lawyer was among the aspirants scheduled to meet with national Returning Officer Wafula Chebukati on Monday at the Bomas of Kenya.
Wajackoyah, 61, has sparked outrage on social media by stating that he wants to legalize weed if he succeeds President Uhuru Kenyatta and he is determined to achieve his goal.
The IEBC has barred Reuben Kigame from vying for presidency for failing to meet the requirements for qualification.
According to Kigame, he received an email from Chebukati informing him of the decision to lock him out of the race.
Kigame’s attempt to meet the IEBC chair on Monday was futile as he was not granted an audience.
“When I wanted to seek audience with the Chair and have a redress of this matter, security barred me from entering the Bomas of Kenya saying no aspirant was being allowed,” he said.
Kigame says besides the signatures, he was asked to appear before Chebukati and table his documents of compliance which did not happen.
“I was pre-judged on the basis of signatures, which they did not receive and still lying in my car,” he explained.
The rigorous nine-day exercise began on Sunday across the country, with aspirants presenting themselves and vital documents to the commission for clearance.