Written By Henry Kimoli 📝
Pokot cattle rustlers have gunned down three pupils in renewed violence.
The pupils from Tot Primary School are Shadrack Kiplagat, 10, Brian Kiptoo 12, and Tirop Kolomit, 7 years.
Also gunned down is a 47 year old Marakwet herder Mr. Wilson Changwony.
The raiders sprayed the four with bullets and fatally injured others.
Police Confirmed the incident as reported by Assistant Chief Mr. Jacob Tilem.
Their bodies were removed to Tot hospital morgue for autopsy.
Also shot and injured are Marakwets namely John Kipkiror Komen, 55 years, shot on the thigh, Erastus Kipkiror aged, 20years shot on both hands, Athanus Kiplagat Ruto aged 18 years shot on the left thigh, Kimutai Kirop aged 17 years shot on the lower right leg, and Player Koech aged 38 years shot on the right thigh.
All have been referred to Kapsowar mission hospital for treatment.
A combined patrol of regular police from Tot police station and a contingent of GSU “N” Coy pursued the raiders and got into contact with them and heavy exchange of fire ensued.
The raiders escaped and herd of thirty seven (37) cattle were recovered and handed over to the owners.