‘Why Should I Speak English While In The Village’ – DP Gachagua to his Critics

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has defended himself over addressing Mt Kenya residents in the Kikuyu language. 

Speaking on Wednesday, June 12 during the Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya International Conference in Mombasa, Gachagua wondered why he should speak in English or Kiswahili to his villagers, yet they all share the same mother tongue.

The DP noted that he speaks in English or Kiswahili in places where people do not understand the Kikuyu Language.

“I am talking in English because some of you may not understand my language. I will talk Kiswahili when I go where people cannot understand. But if I go to the village what business do I have talking to people in English and I am not a white person. Won’t that be arrogance and pride?” Gachagua posed.

The second in command went on to tell Kenyans not to be embarrassed by their language and origin.

DP Gachagua pointed out that no one chooses where to be born and everything is planned by God.

“It is good to be simple, let us not pretend that we are what we are not. Nobody should ever feel embarrassed about their origin, identity, and language. Those things were given to you for free by God without any application, and God never told you where to be born,” Gachagua added.

His remarks come amid criticism from a section of Kenya Kwanza leaders who have accused him of being a tribalist.

On June 6, National Assembly Majority leader Kimani Ichung’wah said it was impossible to build a kingdom with someone who still wants attention from the village.

“We will not build our nation if we still want attention from our villages let us build the nation where we need and seek the attention of the nation, not the attention of your villagers,” he stated.