Ex-Raila Aide Named Wanjigi’s Running Mate

Written By Mary Mumbua  📝

Jimi Wanjigi, a Safina presidential aspirant, has named Nairobi lawyer and former Raila Odinga aide Willis Otieno as his running mate.

Otieno’s passion for social-economic rights, community empowerment, and extensive political experience, he says, is a huge boost.

“I would like to introduce you to Willis Otieno, my running mate and deputy president-designate in the upcoming August 9th general election,” he said.

In 2017, he was the head of the Raila Odinga presidential campaign secretariat and now works on governance issues, specifically the Kenyan political and electoral processes.

In his acceptance speech at Ufungamano House in Nairobi on Tuesday, Otieno expressed regret that Kenyans face more problems now than when the Jubilee administration took office ten years ago.

“We will be seeking the votes of Kenyans who have suffered in the last 10 years but not those who have enjoyed life in the last decade,” he said.

Wanjigi described his ticket as a sure bet, claiming that it will be supported by young Kenyans, who account for 80% of the population.

“My partner was the easiest choice for me to make, yet difficult. He is a young man I have walked with in the journey to liberate the nation. He represents Kenyans who are aged 40 years and below,” Wanjigi said.

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