Willie Kimani Killers Headed For Jail

The Long Journey to Justice over the murder of Lawyer willie Kimani will finally end today at Milimani High Court.

Lady Justice Jessie Lessit is expected to sentence three police officers and an informer convicted of the brutal murder of Lawyer Willie Kimani.

Fredrick Leliman, Stephen Cheburet and Sylvia Wanjiku and informer Peter Ngugi were convicted on July 22,2022.

In June 2016, the four assassinated lawyer Kimani, his client Josephat Mwendwa, and taxi driver Joseph Muiruri.

On July 22, Lady Justice Lessit found them guilty of murder after years of hearings in the corridors of justice.

Notably, Justice Lessit acquitted one officer, Leonard Mwangi, because there was insufficient evidence linking him to the murder.

Lawyer Kimani’s case dates back to 2015, when his client, a boda boda rider Josephat Mwenda, was accidentally shot by officer Fredrick Leliman.

Officer Leliman threatened and intimidated Mwenda after he decided to seek justice in the shooting incident.

Following the intervention of the International Justice Mission, lawyer Kimani took up Mwenda’s case in 2016. (IJM). In order to drop complaints against Leliman, the boda boda rider was falsely accused of violating traffic laws and charged in court.

Kimani, Mwenda, and the taxi driver were kidnapped and killed by the officer in June 2016. Their bodies were discovered in a river in Ol Donyo Sabuk in Machakos on July 1, 2016.