Willie Kimani ‘Killers’ To Be Sentenced On December 16

Justice Jessie Lessit was scheduled to deliver the long-awaited verdict today, Friday, November 11, but was away on official duties.

Willie Kimani 'murderers.' at the Milimani Court PHOTO BY CYRUS KIMANGA/ UZALENDO NEWS

The sentencing date for three cops and one civilian convicted of the murders of lawyer Willie Kimani, his client Josephat Mwendwa, and taxi driver Joseph Muiruri has been set for December 16.

Justice Jessie Lessit was scheduled to deliver the long-awaited verdict today, Friday, November 11, but was away on official duties.

Justice Ogembo also granted the three officers, Fredrick Leliman, Stephen Cheburet, and Sylvia Wanjiku, as well as informer Peter Ngugi, the request to file any further submissions on the sentencing.

Lawyers for Leliman and Cheburet will be allowed to appear before Justice Lessit before the verdict is rendered to highlight their submissions and sentencing.

Lessit is expected to sentence the four accused after reviewing the victims’ impact assessment report, the prosecution’s submissions, and the officers’ mitigation.

Cheburet, on the other hand, has been ordered by Justice Ogembo to be presented to the In Charge Industrial Area Remand Prison clinical officer for a medical examination.

Cheburet had requested that the court issue orders compelling prison officers to provide him with a special diet.

The officer told the court that he has been surviving solely on Ugali because his stomach has refused to accept any food while incarcerated.

Therefore, Cheburet asked the court to order the prison facility to provide him with milk to accompany the ugali.

“Mimi nikiwa jela mwili yangu imekataa chakula kabisa. Chakula natumia tu ni ugali na hiyo ndio chakula yangu. Wakipika githeri sikuli. Naomba koti ipate kunisaidia nipate kupewa cabbage, viazi, ugali na maziwa,”Chebureti said.

“On the issue of diet by Cheburet, I have suggested that since that matter involves medical observation, the accused be presented before the prison in charge clinical officer if there is any recommendation to be made by the clinical officer he will do so,” Justice Ogembo directed.

On July 22, the accused were found guilty of murder after years of deliberation in the corridors of justice.

In 2016, the four murdered lawyer Kimani, his client Josephat Mwendwa, and taxi driver Joseph Muiruri.