Nigerian Woman In Zanzibar Sexual Assault Offered $10,000

A Nigerian woman who claims she was sexually assaulted while on vacation in Zanzibar has agreed to settle the case out of court for $10,000 (roughly Sh1.1 million shillings).

Zainab Oladehinde described how she was assaulted at the Warere hotel in April 2021 on Twitter.

She realized she wasn’t dreaming when she ‘felt’ her hand stroking the man’s manhood. Zainab told the man she had HIV and requested that he use a condom, which he did.

Zainab exited her room and attempted to seek assistance from the receptionist, only to discover that the rooms were empty. She then went to the room of a Russian couple with whom she had previously made friends.

“Fortunately for me, the room was opened and I ran inside. They woke up almost immediately and I told the guy ‘Alex ‘ how I was strangled and almost got raped in my room. He advised that I stay in his room till we sort out the issue by daybreak.”

The next day, Zainab reported the case of attempted rape and missing money at Nungwi police station and was told to go to the hospital.

“When we got to the hospital, the nurse confirmed that there was no penetration. I got back to the police station and the policemen said they have no issue with the sexual assault since I wasn’t raped. That the only issue here was my stolen money.”

The Warere hotel management says they brought her to the police and offered her support immediately after they learned of the accusations.

“The case was brought before Government authorities in April 2021 when it occurred. The police report indicated that this was a personal case, and not negligence on the part of the Warere.”

Additionally, Warere management claims that Zainab declined to take the case further after passing by the Zanzibar Nungwi police, the District Commissioners Office, the Regional Commissioners Office, and the office of the Second Vice President of the govt of Zanzibar.

Zainab says she acquired lawyers who asked she be paid the settlement.

“Ms. Zainab Oladehinde was informed the hotel would abide by damages rewarded by the court system of Zanzibar.”

The Zanzibar Commission for Tourism said they were displeased by the allegations made and promised to investigate.

“An immediate investigation has commenced and we shall report its findings. We condemn any harm or threat to our visitors to the peaceful islands of Zanzibar,” added Hasfa Mbamba, the Executive Director.

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