Zimbabwean Presidential Candidate Meets Kenyan Politicians Ahead Polls

Saviour Kasukuwere, Zimbabwe’s presidential candidate, is in Kenya for a series of meetings with political operatives ahead of the August 23 elections in the South African country.

Kasukuwere, who announced his presidential ambitions a week ago at a press conference, has promised to revitalise the country’s economy, which is currently under severe strain.

“Top of my agenda for the people, if I emerge the winner in the polls, is to give title deeds to Zimbabweans who have suffered for decades now,” he said during an interview with a media pool in Nairobi.

Kasukuwere will run as an independent against ZANU PF incumbent Emmerson Mnangagwa and Change Coalition candidate Nelson Chamisa.

The 52-year-old former minister stated that his priority was to revitalise Zimbabwe’s economy and stabilise it in order to stop the country’s citizens from fleeing to neighbouring SADC countries.

“We are currently a shame to the SADC region. We are dragging them down because our people are all over the SADC states. I want to change that by reviving the economy and stopping the outflow so we develop our country,” he said.

Zimbabwe’s endemic corruption, which he claims has decimated the country’s credibility and image, is also on his Presidential agenda.

“It is a shame that we have become a convenient shop for known criminals and no accountability is visited on them,” he added.

He has already met with Mumias East MP Peter Salasya, who posted a photo of the two on Facebook.

On May 13th, the Zimbabwean took to Twitter to praise Kenya’s political maturity while sharing a photo of Raila Odinga meeting with President William Ruto.

“Kenya has an amazing level of political tolerance and maturity. You can differ but still remain one people and one nation,” he wrote.