12 high profile lawyers defend Sonko

PHOTO: Courtesy

12 high profile lawyers including Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Junior and Elgeyo Marakwet Senator are among the legal team in Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko`s defense in court.

Other lawyers in the team include; lawyer Nelson Havi, Makueni MP Dan Maanzo, Harrison Kinyanjui Cecil Miller, George Kithi, Alphonse Mutinda and four others.

Senator Kipchumba Murkomen(left) and Senator Mutula Kilonzo Junior(right).

Governor Mike Sonko was brought at the Milimani Law Courts under tight security after spending the weekend at the EACC cells.

This after the Director of Public Prosecutions said on Friday that there was sufficient evidence to charge Sonko with graft theft of Sh357 million alongside several city hall officials.

Other political leaders such as Babu Owino Embakasi East MP and Aaron Cheruiyot,Kericho Senator have been were also seen in court.

Sonko will later appear before a Mombasa court to answer to charges of assaulting a police officer during his arrest in Voi.