5 Prominent Kenyans Whose Multi-Million Property Were Raided By Goons

    Written by Lisa Murimi

    Several prominent figures in Kenya, including former President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga, have recently faced disturbances caused by agitated youth allegedly incited for disruptive actions.

    These politically motivated incidents have often resulted in property damage and nationwide demonstrations, raising concerns about societal stability.

    The targets of these attacks have included high-ranking officials like Raila Odinga and a former aide to Daniel Moi. Properties worth millions of Kenyan Shillings have been destroyed, with the most costly being a Ksh4 billion company set on fire.

    Among those affected are:

    1. Uhuru Kenyatta: In March, during nationwide protests led by Raila Odinga, a group of youth invaded Kenyatta’s Northlands farm, making off with around 1,400 valuable sheep and causing extensive property damage.
    2. Raila Odinga: In March 2023, a mob attacked Raila Odinga’s East African Spectre Company, damaging property and targeting the company’s general manager.
    3. Paras Shah: In August, a youth group set fire to Megvel Cartons Limited, owned by Paras Shah, amid a land dispute with a rival company.
    4. Kipchoge Keino: Youth encroached on an Eldoret ranch linked to athletics legend Kipchoge Keino, claiming ownership and demanding title deeds.
    5. Benjamin Kipkulei: Squatters invaded the land of Benjamin Kipkulei, a former aide to President Daniel Arap Moi, seeking farming rights.

    These incidents highlight the challenges of political unrest and land disputes in Kenya, prompting calls for intervention and resolution to ensure stability and protect valuable investments.