DJ Evolve: Witness Disowns Statement Against Babu Owino

He said that he did not write any statement with the police and that he did not know the author of the statement produced in court by the prosecution.


Hamisi Ali today appeared before Hon Bernard Ochoi at Milimani Law Courts to give his evidence in the matter that led to the fatal injury of Dj Evolve in Kilimani.

However, upon cross-examination by the prosecution counsel, he said that he is a class four drop out and that he does not know how to read or write.

He said that he did not write any statement with the police and that he did not know the author of the statement produced in court by the prosecution.

He said that Owino was a licensed firearm user and no given point did he witness him shoot the Dj in question.

Another witness namely, Elvis Ochieng Ogola said that he was called to the police station after the incident, however he could not take ownership of his recorded statement because at the time of recording it he was tensed he could not have any substantive account of the case.

According to reports, the Lagislator was involved in an incident where a DJ at the popular B Club along Galana Road was shot and seriously injured.

He was later charged with attempted murder .