Church Leaders Ask Politicians To Give Up Election Petitions

He stated that this will allow the leaders to seek an alternative dispute resolution formula that is acceptable to all parties involved.

Spiritual leaders have urged politicians who have filed court cases challenging the election results in Narok and Kajiado counties to withdraw them in order to improve regional cohesion and integration.

The leaders, led by Anglican Churches of Kenya (ACK) Arch-Bishop Jackson Ole Sapit, urged gubernatorial aspirant Moitalel Ole Kenta and former Narok Governor Samuel Tunai, who was vying for the senatorial seat, to withdraw the cases they had filed in court.

He stated that this will allow the leaders to seek an alternative dispute resolution formula that is acceptable to all parties involved.

Ole Sapit spoke at the Africa Hope Center in Narok town, accompanied by the Maasai Council of Elders, led by Chairman Keleena Ole Nchoe, the Narok Pastors Fellowship, led by Chairman Peter Nakola, and a slew of top Ole Kenta supporters.