Israel and Kenya Strategize on Boosting Food Security 

Writtwn By Vanessa Kariuki || 

In order to make the two nations’ food supplies durable even in unusual and difficult circumstances, Israel will continue working with Kenya to explore potential alternatives.

Israel’s envoy to Kenya, Mr Michael Lotem, noted that the arrival of Covid-19 had revealed a global economic crisis that had led to food insecurity worldwide and emphasized the importance of the two nations working toward achieving food security through agricultural practices and cutting-edge technologies that did not harm the environment or the climate.

According to Lotem, in an effort to improve links between Nairobi and Tel Aviv, Kenya and Israel signed agreements on irrigation and agriculture.

The ambassador said that cooperation between Israel and the county administration will promote the transfer of knowledge and technology, advancing local water technologies, agriculture extension services, and farmer weather forecasts.

Lotem said that Israel has developed novel agricultural practices as a result of having to adapt to challenging climatic conditions that pushed it to bloom the desert.

“Moving to irrigated farming would increase the crop yield, save water and greenhouse gases, and, over time, create food security. It is worth noting that to date, most agricultural crops in many parts of the world are still grown by “dry farming” that is farming which is not reliant on rain,” said the ambassador.

The envoy said Israel was eager to work with the County Government and investigate ways to train farmers in the area on the progress of climate-smart technologies and best practices to increase productivity after conducting a meeting with Nakuru Deputy Governor David Kones.

The Deputy Governor and the Israel Ambassador also discussed updating and equipping medical laboratories with diagnostic tools, educating medical professionals, and digitizing the devolved unit’s health systems.

Lotem cited collaborations between Kenya and Israel in the fields of security, IT, health, tourism, and trade. The two also discussed improving accessible housing, access to clean water and sewage, transportation, green energy, urban mobility, and agriculture.

In order to improve the trade balance, which now favours Israel, the Deputy Governor urged Israeli businesses to make investments in Nakuru.

Numerous Kenyans have received training in engineering, medicine, agriculture, and water management through the Israeli Agency for International Development Cooperation.

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