Austria Relaxes COVID Restrictions

Austria was forced to introduce more restrictive measures. [SHutterstock/Spitzi-Foto]

Austria ended a nationwide coronavirus lockdown for most people yesterday while keeping restrictions for the unvaccinated.

Starting yesterday, vaccine-rejectors can leave their homes only to go to work, where they will need to provide a negative coronavirus test every two days, and for essential shopping and daily exercise.

Entry to other venues will be barred.

The rules, which vary by location within the country, generally enable theatres, museums, and other cultural and entertainment establishments to reopen on Sunday.

On Monday, the shops will open.

Restaurants and hotels in some areas will reopen on Sunday, while others will wait until later in the month.

Restaurants will be closed after 11 p.m. in all situations, and masks will be needed on public transportation and inside stores and public areas.

Last week, Austria’s chancellor, Karl Nehammer, described the move as an “opening with a seatbelt,” allowing each of the country’s nine regions to remove or tighten restrictions based on local circumstances.

Unvaccinated people will still be subject to the lockdown limitations and should stay at home unless they have a valid reason to go, such as shopping, attending to the doctor, or exercising.

*This article was written by Gerald Gekara for Uzalendo News.  Email: to submit your story.