BBI: Raila’s “unstoppable” march to State House begins

Opposition supremo Raila Odinga, who has now converted to a state ally has been away for nearly three weeks now.

His family and close confidants have periodically updated Kenyans on his recuperation process, following a surgery.

ODM party stalwarts Ali Hassan Joho and Junnet Mohammed chartered a luxurious jet to Dubai to chaperon him. This us all as it should be. Now Baba, as the popular politician is known, is expected in Kenya anytime. Probably this week.

While he was away, the BBI concluded its work (or is it formalized a deep state assignment). The report, essentially the road map to President Uhuru Kenyatta succession is ready for rolling out.

His political nemesis DP William Ruto and the second, third, and fourth-tier politicians mill around the duo. It’s not difficult to hazard a guess into the contents of the BBI report.

It will recommend a constitutional referendum to create positions for the big five communities in Kenya. And for tangible reasons, this country votes along tribal lines. Coalitions are based on the same. And power games are played along with the same vaults.

The BBI is Raila’s final opening to State House. Worst case scenario, it will land him an office space at Harambee House Annex which will house the proposed Prime Minister.

And so Raila will take no chance this time around. He will wear the suit of a ruthless Statesman by dropping the mien of the people’s president.

He will want the owners of capital to endorse him…on the assurance that their investment is safe from the prowl of ‘hustlers’.

That is why Baba will sidestep attempts to bog him down with the politics of 2007 and 2017 post-election trivialities.

He will seek the real tyranny of numbers…and the support of the deep state.

The deep state? He needs them to navigate his own personal historical justices that date back many years.

Placed in a proper perspective, Raila has his own skeletons that have been miffed by the millions of political supporters across the 47 counties.

And many others in other Pan African countries.

Raila is a lucky politician by design. He has no known political enemies.

In his long and tedious journey to occupy State House, he has worked with everyone.

  • President Daniel Moi, (detained him twice,
  • President Mwai Kibaki (he conned him in 2002),
  • Kijana Wamalwa (Raila betrayed him and left Ford Kenya),
  • Kalonzo Musyoka(they have fought bitter wars but remained together),
  • William Ruto(was Raila’s equivalent of South Africa’s Malema),
  • Uhuru Kenyatta (Best friends, but actors, come along way).

The list is endless.

And so Raila is looking to work with the devil in 2022….if by so doing he will land at State House Nairobi.