Biotech Company Directors Charged With Stealing Kes 4.8 Million

The four directors of Biotech Organic Limited were arraigned before Senior Principal Magistrate Bernard Ochoi with allegations of stealing contrary to the Law.

Bridget Gakii Nyaga, Eliphus Mutuma Murithi, Peter Wandabwa Ongoya and Willy Mukithi Malonza were charged alongside Biotech Organic Limited.

They are believed to have conspired to steal Kes 4,819,000 the property of Bytech Savanna Limited on July 12,2022.

” You are charged that on July 12,2022 within Nairobi County together conspired to steal Kes 4,819,000 the property of Bytech Savanna Limited.” reads the charge sheet.

The accused persons denied particulars of the charges and were released on a bond of Kes 1 million each with the case being slated for pretrial in February, 28,2023.