CS Owalo Launches Jitume Digital Hub at Kajiado

Information, Communications and the Digital Economy CS Mr. Eliud Owalo this morning presided over the official launch of a #Jitume Digital Hub at Kajiado East Technical and Vocational College, Kajiado County.
“I am here on behalf of the President to officially open this Digital Hub as a promise to help our youth access opportunities. Times have changed, our youth now can work remotely for different clients abroad.
We are going to install 1450 Digital Hubs in each Ward in the country. We are working with members of Parliament to ensure every wards gets a Digital Hub. We are also helping Mama Soko by providing WiFi to help them to use Internet for their businesses,” said the CS.
The CS reiterated that the National Government will connect Internet in these Digital hubs and provide resources for the youth giving them access to Digital Services, Digital Skills and Opportunities to work for global technological companies across the world, stemming rural urban migration as youth will work from where they are.
Also present were Principal Kajiado East Technical and Vocational College for Dr Joselyn Nkonge, MP Kajiado East Hon. Kakuta Maimai and Board of Governors Chairman representative Julius Ole Ntaiya and other Government Officials.