CS Soipan Tuya To Lead Wetlands Day Fete

Kenya will commemorate World Wetlands Day at Enkongu Enkare in Narosura, Maji Moto Ward, Narok South Sub-County, Narok County. 

The National event will be inaugurated tomorrow, February 2nd, 2023, at 9 a.m. by Environment, Climate Change, and Forestry Cabinet Secretary Hon Soipan Tuya. 

Enkongu Enkare, which means “the eye of water” in Maasai, is a water catchment with two cold and warm water springs. 

The cold spring flows to Ntuka Sublocation, which supports four schools, domestic uses, livestock, and shoats. 

The warm spring drains into a creek known as the Naroosura River.

The river in the Naroosura area sustains a population of over 5,000 families on both banks, over 7,000 cows, over 15,000 shoats, and approximately 50,000 acres for irrigation, as well as 5 primary schools and two health facilities.