D-DAY: KCPE Exams kick-off, Government Helicopters on standby to aid flood-prone areas


All seems to be well for the;1,088,986 KCPE candidates in 27,809 centres across the country as the government reassures all students will be catered for during the national examinations.

According to the Ministry of Education officials, the papers will be flown to flood-stricken areas such as; Mandera, Wajir, Tana River and Isiolo, with some centers being merged to control unneccesary traffic during the short rain seasons.

On matters security, Education Cabinet Secretary Prof. George Magoha has reaffirmed that examination materials will be transported in the presence of the police and using government vehicles.

“The process of opening examination papers in examination rooms must be witnessed by candidates, security forces, an invigilator and a supervisor to ensure that no mistake is made. This is meant to address cases where officials open scripts before the scheduled time,” said Prof Magoha.

“We will also engage 1,916 security officers, 339 sub-county examination officers, 339 TSC Officers, 339 clerks and 339 data capturers,” added Dr Mercy Karogo, Knec’s CEO.

The examinations council will also use a total of 479 containers to store examination materials contrary to 459 that were used in 2018.

Today, the students will be doing their rehearsals where they will farmiliarize themselves with the examinations environment before sitting for their Mathematics and English papers on Tuesday.

They will on Wednesday sit for science and Kiswahili and conclude with social studies and religious education on Thursday.