Daughter of late Bishop James Ochola and husband charged with forgery and conspiracy to defraud.

BY PRUDENCE WANZA – The daughter of the late bishop James Ocholla together with her husband has been charged with seven counts of forgery and conspiracy to defraud before a Makadara court.

Christine Anyango Ocholla and Edward Opiko Otieono are accused that on unknown dates and place in Kenya conspired to defraud and without lawful authority.


They made minutes dated June 7 2015 for resolution to borrow and obtaining Sh 3 Million from Jitegemee credit scheme for such renovation purporting the said minutes to be made by Glad Tidings Crusade a fact they knew to be false.

The two were also charged that on unknown dates and place in Kenya, with intent to defraud and without lawful authority or excuse made minutes dated June 7 2015 resolution to borrow 3 million from Jitegemee scheme for or on behalf of Glad tidings crusade and trustees purporting to be minutes made by the said glad tidings for church renovation.
Opiko and his wife are accused on June 7th 2017 at the scheme in Embakasi Nairobi with intent to defraud knowingly uttered minutes of resolution to borrow Sh.3m for church renovation to Faith Zawadi Kingi which had been made without lawful authority.


They are accused that in June 8 at the church in Embakasi west with intent to defraud made minutes of account opening with jitegemee purporting it to be minutes made by Glad tidings.


The two are also charged with forging the said minutes purporting them to be signed by Esther Mueni Mutinda, one of the trustees.
They pleaded not guilty before Chief Magistrate Eston Nyaga and were released on a cash bail of Sh 50,000.


The two are also involved in the selling of the Buruburu land which houses Glad Tidings Crusade and a school to a city business Patrick Nderitu without consulting the rest of the trustees.


The case will be mentioned on 8th July.