Change is one of the most resisted things in life. Many of us will want to remain in the same position /spot simply because we cannot embrace change. We would rather maintain the status quo than venture into new fields.
In many occasions people are losing opportunities to explore and maximize their true potential simply because they are trying to protectively preserve their current status.
Changes we experience as human beings
1. Change that happens around us
Unexpected or unanticipated change that affects our personal lives, families, career etc. may include loss of jobs, friends or a loved one. Sudden changes we didn’t anticipate for.
2. Change that happen within us
Expected change that directly affect who we are i.e. physically, emotionally spiritually even mentally.
3. Change that we initiate
This is when we plan to do something which is meant to move us beyond where we are to where we need to be. You must be ready to shed off stagnation to initiate change.
Signs of stagnation
Unhealthy comparison: of ourselves to our peers. Majority of us are victims of this which ends up to unhealthy competition
Fear: sometime people lead unsatisfactory lives always complaining just because they were not ready to take a leap of faith. Some even fear what is not going to happen
Refusing to give issues different approach.
Unforgiveness and resentment: many people walk with unresolved issues in their lives. In order to live fulfilling lives we need to do away with unnecessary baggage. ..
Being in the wrong company: one of the easiest way of killing and literally burying your future is sharing your dream with people who have never dreamt or have given up on the vision they had.
Handling change or reacting to change
When we become reactive it gives change an edge over our own circumstances .makes us create a world of our own than accept what is happening in the real world. To resist change is to become obsolete.