Kidero Charged Afresh Over Missing Nairobi County Funds

Former Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero, Embakasi Central MP John Ndirangu Kariuki, and eleven others were today charged with defrauding City Hall of Sh 58 million nine years ago.

Kidero and his co-accused person appeared before Milimani Anti-Corruption Chief Magistrate Felix Kombo and denied fifteen charges of conspiracy to commit an economic crime, abuse of office, unlawful acquisition of property, and money laundering.

The former Governor and the twelve others denied conspiring to commit a corruption offence, namely defrauding Nairobi City County of Sh 58 million, between January 6 and 16, 2014.

MP Kariuki was charged with unlawfully receiving Ksh 8.9 million from a deceased Advocate Stephen Kariuki Mburu who was a partner in the law firm of Wachira, Mburu, Mwangi, and Company Advocates which is at the center of the multi-million shilling fraud at City Hall.

Both Kidero and MP Kariuki who is also a former mayor of Nairobi city council engaged in unlawful arrangements to purchase a parcel of land LR. no 10874/1160 (original number10874/17/2) valued at Ksh 25,735,000.

The charge further states a down payment of Ksh 17 million deposited with the law firm Mburu towards the purchase of the land was part of Ksh 58 million irregularly scooped from Nairobi county.

Kidero was separately charged with unlawfully acquiring Ksh 14.4 million on January 8 from CUPS Limited which funds were part of Ksh 58 million unlawfully paid by the Nairobi city county to the law firm of Wachira, Mburu Mwangi and Company Advocates.

Kidero alongside Former Nairobi county chief of staff George Wainaina Njogu, John Ngari Wainaina, and the Cups Limited were together charged that they collided to engage in a fraudulent scheme to transfer Sh 14 million to Sagar Builders Limited with respect to the services offered for the sale of Riverside Property in Nairobi knowns as Land no. 205 /46 using proceeds of crime.

Five former senior accountants at Nairobi city county namely Ekaya Alumasi Ghonzour alias Alumasie, Alice Njeri Mundia alias Mundiaa, Elizabeth Wanjiru Nderitu alias Nderitue, James Mimi Mbugua alias Jmbugua, and Ng’ang’a Mungai Ng’ang’a alias Ngangalito Were charged that on January 6, 2014 he conferred a benefit of Ksh 58 million to the law firm of Wachira, Mburu, Mwangi and Company Advocates by unlawfully processing payment of the said amount.

George Wainaina Njogu, John Ngari Wainaina, and the Cups Limited were charged with receiving irregularly Sh 15 million from the law firm of Mburu effected by advocate Kariuki now deceased being part of the Ksh 58 million from Nairobi county.

Further, a former councilor Paul Mutunga Mutungi was accused of receiving Ksh 5 Millon being part of the Ksh 58 million and laundering Ksh 2 Millon to pay a debt through the law firm of Mwamuye Kimathi and Kimani Company Advocates being proceeds of crime.