E Students To Get University Slots

Uhuru with Secondary school students at State House

Candidates who scored an aggregate of Grade E in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) will now be permitted to pursue further education.

According to the direction from the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS), form four students will now be able to further their studies up to the doctorate level.

Agnes Wahome, the Chief Executive Officer of KUCCPS, added that students will have the opportunity to pursue their studies without any limitations.

"Previously students who scored C and below were considered as failures but there is no failure. For those we have placed, the minimum was a C- (minus) for Diploma and D+ (Plus) for certificate courses."

Over 28,000 pupils scored an E in 2020. The majority of them were from sub-county schools.

The dismal performance affected both public and private schools (almost 12,000) and (over 8,000) respectively.

Many students who received the lowest results on the exam in previous decades were considered failures.

"With the new changes, you can take artisan courses as you develop your programs so that even those who get an E can have an opportunity to study," she stated.
*This article was written by Marion Munywoki for Uzalendo News.  Email: uzalendonews24@gmail.com to submit your story.