Education CS Machogu To Release Form One Placement Results

Cabinet Secretary for Education Ezekiel Machogu will today release the Form One placement results for 2022 KCPE Examination candidates at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) in Nairobi.

The Education CS assured parents that all the learners will proceed to Form One in line with the government’s 100 percent transition policy.

“We will be releasing the Form One Selection results on Monday at exactly 10 am,” said Mr. Machogu, adding that the selection was done in good time to give parents adequate time to prepare for their children’s admission.

On December 20th, 2022, the CS released the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) results.

Over 1.2 million students took the national exams and will find out their form one placement today.

This comes as public schools are in limbo regarding junior secondary schools, while private schools appear to be ready to host students. To ensure a smooth transition, a special team was formed to manage junior secondary school funds.