Overloaded Trucks To Pay Sh.45Million For Lift Axle Offenses

"Our trunk roads have costed Kenyans Sh.3 trillion. We now must protect them. If you don't have Sh.45million to pay as fine, keep off the Northern Corridor" Ndugire said.

Kenya National Highways Authority (KENHA) Engineer Kennedy Ndugire with SSP John Gichuhi PHOTO : Uzalendo News

Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) will deploy the East African Axle load legislation to tame overloading and lift axle offenses.

Eng. Kennedy Ndugire, Senior Manager of the Axle load enforcement said offenders will be forced to pay the maximum fine of Sh.45 Million for overloading on the Northern Corridor.

The KeNHA boss said the Kenyan and the East African courts have been sensitised on the overloading Act.

“Our trunk roads have costed Kenyans Sh.3 trillion. We now must protect them. If you don’t have Sh.45million to pay as fine, keep off the Northern Corridor” Ndugire said.

He said KeNHA will deploy the Axle Load enforcement Act for class B and S roads, which provides for fines of Sh.4Million per over loader.

He said KeNHA will soon auction lorries whose owners have failed to pay requisite over loading fines.

Drivers of the trucks will also face jail terms of 3 years and above for flouting the rules. He said KeNHA has spend considerable amount of money sensitising Kenyans on dangers of over loading and said the time to enforcement is now.