Ethiopian Remandees Demand Quick Repatriation

Written By Henry Kimoli  📝

More than 30 Ethiopian nationals are on a hunger strike at the Buruburu police station to demand their fast repatriation. 

The aliens started their strike on Tuesday as they demanded that they be sent back to their country as ordered by the court. 

This has given police at the station a challenge as some of the victims are too weak and sick out of the strike. 

The aliens had been arrested from a house in Donholm area are they waited to be smuggled to South Africa as promised by their agent. 

Two suspects believed to be behind the smuggling were arrested. 

Police say they have informed immigration officials and the Ethiopian embassy in Nairobi to fast track the order and have the aliens taken back to their country. 

Dozens of Ethiopians have in the past months been detained by authorities for lack of immigration documents as they were being smuggled to Middle East and South Africa for greener pastures. 

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