Fishermen in Lake Turkana have praised a proposal to put identity numbers on their boats.
This is the latest attempt by the Kenya Maritime Authority to address the persistent problem of fishing gear theft, which has resulted in a never-ending feud with their Ethiopian neighbors, the Merille.
The fishermen, who came from the villages of Todonyang and Lowarengeak on the lake’s shoreline, said that their attempts to engage in commercial fishing have always been thwarted by militia attacks.
For more than a decade, Merille assaults have posed a threat to commercial fishing in Lake Turkana, which is otherwise a thriving business for the locals.
Since May 2011, when 46 people were killed in a massacre in Todonyang hamlet, more than 200 Kenyans have been slaughtered in a series of incidents tied to fishing.
According to KMA North Coast Regional Manager Alex Munga, public participation on the issue of vessel identification and marking systems, which the government intends to introduce in the sector through the authority, is aimed at improving compliance with maritime and fisheries laws for effective industry governance.
“This is a law that has been in effect for over ten years. In border counties like Turkana, Kwale, and Lamu, it is past time to implement the numbering system and improve security in our lakes and oceans “He went on to add.