Gachagua: Azimio Wanted To Replace Ruto With Moi

Rigathi Gachagua, the UDA presidential running mate, has made the sensational claim that President Uhuru Kenyatta wanted to replace his deputy William Ruto with Baringo Senator Gideon Moi.

Gachagua strongly criticized Uhuru while discussing the rift between the President and Ruto during the running mate presidential debate at the Catholic University auditorium on July 19, 2022.

“If it was the previous constitution, William Ruto would have been sacked a long time ago and replaced with Gideon Moi. And that was the plan; to provoke him, intimidate him, humiliate him, persecute him, his friends and allies so that he could quit the government and allow Uhuru Kenyatta to appoint somebody from a family that they share the same issues or the same values,” the Mathira lawmaker said.

He claimed that the differences between Uhuru and Ruto were caused by the head of state’s inferiority complex.

“And by the way, the situation between President Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto has not been brought because of ideological differences. It has been brought about because of inferiority complex,” he said.

The UDA running mate stressed that Ruto did the right thing not to resign, claiming that it’s not an honourable thing to be a quitter.

Gachagua also defended Ruto against accusations of abandoning his constitutional duties, claiming that President Kenyatta purposefully withheld assignments from him, leaving him with the role of convener of the Intergovernmental Budget and Economic Council (IBEC), which is legally conferred on him.

Gachagua argued that during a meeting at State House chaired by Uhuru, who is also the chairman of Azimio, “nominated Karua to take care of his interests and that of his family, which means Karua is his project”.