Government to Advance Healthcare Sector Through Cutting-edge Laboratories

Investments in cutting-edge laboratory equipment and staff training, coupled with innovative research and accurate diagnosis, are propelling Kenya’s healthcare industry forward.

The nation’s lab systems have been revolutionised by the genomics and molecular surveillance unit, as Principal Secretary Mary Muthoni noted at a meeting in Nakuru. This device facilitates waste and water surveillance in addition to acting as an early warning system for disease outbreaks.

Especially in the context of Primary Health Care, a pillar of Universal Health Coverage, Muthoni emphasised the critical role that laboratories play in advancing scientific excellence, fostering innovation, and addressing healthcare challenges.

She expressed her appreciation to partners for their cooperative efforts to improve the nation’s laboratory infrastructure, including Amref Health Africa in Kenya, the World Health Organisation, and the US-CDC.

Research scientists, academics, and partners from the private sector, as well as stakeholders at the national and county levels, were able to enhance laboratory capabilities and progress Universal Health Coverage through this beneficial platform.