How to Send View-Once Voice Messages in WhatsApp

WhatsApp, a messaging application owned by Meta, has introduced a new update allowing users to send voice messages that automatically disappear after they are listened to.

“We’re always striving to enhance privacy for our users. With View Once, you can now send voice messages that vanish once they have been opened,” WhatsApp announced.

A video demonstration shared by WhatsApp illustrates how users can utilize this feature to send voice messages that disappear upon being opened.

To use this feature, users begin by tapping the microphone icon to start recording a voice message. After recording, they swipe up to lock the recording. Then, they look for the “view once” icon, tap it to activate the disappearing message feature, and proceed to send the voice message as usual.

Once received, the recipient can listen to the voice message only once before it automatically disappears from the chat.

This new functionality aims to empower WhatsApp users with greater control over their privacy settings.