I’m Worth Sh338M – Treasury PS Nominee Chris Kiptoo

    Chris Kiptoo, the nominee for National Treasury Principal Secretary, has revealed that he is worth Sh338 million.

    Kiptoo, who is being vetted by the National Assembly Finance Committee, stated that his wealth is obtained from immovable assets such as land and houses.

    “I have two houses one which I bought while working at the Central Bank Of Kenya and the other I bought while working as the Principal Secretary for Trade and Environment. I have also bought parcels of land back at home,” he said.

    The nominee for Principal Secretary stated that he expects his current income to come from gratuity and pension from his time as PS for Trade and Environment, as well as earnings from the financial market and dairy farming.

    The nominee for Principal Secretary was one of those retained in President William Ruto’s administration, having previously served as PS for the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

    In January of 2020, retired President Uhuru Kenyatta reassigned him to this Ministry.

    Kiptoo was the Principal Secretary, State Department for Trade in the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Cooperatives prior to this new position. He’d had the case since December of 2015.

    Kiptoo has also worked at the Kenyan Prime Minister’s Office (OPM), the Capital Markets Authority (CMA), the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB).