Mass Grave From WW1 Discovered In A Voi Primary School

    Construction workers at Voi Primary School’s special unit discovered a suspected mass grave on the school’s grounds while constructing a twin classroom for special needs students.

    Archeology experts believe the mass grave contains the remains of thousands of undocumented African soldiers and porters who perished during World War One, which was fought between 1914 and 1918.

    The discovery made by the construction workers included several human bones, bangles, rings and shackles among other rare finds. 

    Officials from the National Museum of Kenya (NMK) say the Voi site will not be designated as an archeological site worth exploring until it has been officially verified.

    According to NMK archeologist Jambo Haro, the investigation into whether it was a World War One mass grave had already begun.

    Furthermore, he stated that the bones had become useless due to contamination from the above-ground construction activities.

    “This was an accidental find. Handling the bones and exposing them ruins their integrity. This compromises the accuracy when it comes to carbon dating because it cannot give us the exact epoch they belong to,” he explained.

    The construction work was temporarily halted to prevent further contamination and to allow archaeologists and paleontologists to determine whether additional research was required.

    In the event of such confirmation, warring nations such as Britain, Germany, Australia, and India would mobilize massive amounts of resources and manpower.

    Archaeologist Philip Wanyama stated that expertly controlled research and bone exposure were required. Exposed fossils, in his opinion, are not as safe as those found underground, unless they are exposed by experts.

    Every piece of archeological evidence will be carefully selected and recorded in order to shed light on the owner, he added.

    “We have human and non-human bones. The research will give us a peek into the identity and social life of the person buried here,” he said.