KAM Commits to Being Part of the Nairobi Declaration to Boost Green Investment in Private Sector

    By utilising her vast and untapped renewable energy resources, taking advantage of the demographic dividend of the world’s youngest and fastest-growing workforce, and utilising her natural resources, Africa has the unique potential to be a crucial component of the solution to the global climate change crisis.

    Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) was one of the organisations that agreed to support the Nairobi Declaration yesterday. A key document outlining Africa’s united response to the climate catastrophe is the statement.

    The continent is particularly vulnerable to droughts, floods, desertification, and temperature increases, all of which can have detrimental effects on human livelihoods, agriculture, and water supplies.

    The declaration emphasises the company’s dedication to working with African nations to develop efficient funding systems for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Africa.

    Through programmes like public-private partnerships (PPPs) and an emphasis on micro, small, and medium-sized companies (MSMEs), it seeks to increase green investments in the private sector.

    The declaration also stresses the significance of inclusive strategies as well as cutting-edge financial and technological solutions to address climate concerns on the continent.

    Additionally, it emphasises the desire to support the creation of plans for preparing investments for climate change, as well as to advance circular and environmentally friendly business models, eco-friendly goods, and value chain-wide sustainability integration.

    Also, it aims to foster the adoption of value addition and green manufacturing practises, particularly among MSMEs who require technical and financial support to adopt sustainable practises, and to promote knowledge sharing regarding African markets.