KAM Hosts Central Region Member’s AGM To Review and Strategize on Last year’s and Future Progress

    The Central Region Members’ Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held earlier this morning by the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) in order to assess the year’s accomplishments and plan for the future.

    KAM Chair Mr. Rajan Shah expressed his contentment at seeing the Central Region’s members develop.

    Recognising the ever-changing requirements of consumers, he underlined the importance of ongoing innovation. Mr. Shah urged manufacturers to take advantage of possibilities that will help the nation’s manufacturing sector thrive, to plan wisely, and to actively participate in various regional committees at different levels.

    Anthony Mwangi, CEO of KAM, emphasised how our advocacy strategy has changed from just stating problems to providing real answers and pointing out opportunities. He emphasised the value of cooperation, saying that in addition to addressing the problems that impact us, we must actively participate in the expansion of the economy.

    In his remarks, Mr Maina Ruo, KAM Central Region Chairman, emphasized the ongoing commitment of the regional committee to actively engage with the Kiambu County government on matters concerning its members.

    He specifically pointed out the infrastructure challenges, particularly in the policing and enforcement of traffic laws and control, which have proven to be a notable issue, particularly in Ruiru town. The committee has taken steps to address this concern by bringing it to the attention of the county government and relevant authorities in pursuit of amicable solutions.

    Additionally, Mr Ruo highlighted other pertinent issues, such as the necessity to harmonize inter-county engagements to foster trade. He also stressed the importance of engaging with Kenya Power (KPLC) to advance members’ advocacy for improved power services.

    KAM remains committed to providing a platform for manufacturers to address challenges, share insights, and collectively shape the future of industry.