Following a fire that destroyed a dormitory, Kambaa Girls High School in Lari, Kiambu County, has been shut down indefinitely.
Mukua Ngatia, the chair of the school’s Board of Management, claimed the institution had to close because it could no longer accommodate students due to property destruction.
Police have begun an investigation into the cause of the incident, according to Ngatia, who also added that parents would be notified when their children can return to school while the dormitory is being renovated.
The first floor of a two-story dormitory, which houses 200 of the school’s 700 students, was destroyed in the Sunday blaze.
The provincial director of education cautioned that if any student is found to have been involved in the blaze, the government will take legal action against them.
The school administration gave parents permission to leave the school compound with their children.
The inferno shadows the ministry’s efforts, led by cabinet secretary of education Professor George Magoha, to guarantee that all schools across the country maintain excellent levels of discipline.
*This article was written by Caleb Mwikya for Uzalendo News. Email: to submit your story.