Kawangware man arraigned in Court after being found in Possession of 30 Stolen items

BY LYNN KYALO – One man has been charged of being in possession of property which was unlawfully obtained at the kibera law courts.

The accused is said to have been found in Kawangware area, Nairobi county on 24th june 2019 in possession of a tiger generator, vacuum cleaner, a driving lisence, 20 pieces of car carpets, 4 assorted mobile phones, samsung camera, 2 power banks, 2 modrms, 2 hp flash disks and a wrist watch, property which is said to have been obtained unlawfully.
Calvin Odero the accused pleaded guilty before principal magistrate Hon. D. Kutu.
He was released on a bond of ksh200,000 or a cash bail of ksh100, 000.
The case will be mentioned on 16th july 2019 and heard on 19th september.