Kenya’s Dr. Thugge Named The African Central Bank Governor of the Year

Dr. Kamau Thugge, the Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), has been honored with the African Central Bank Governor of the Year award by the African Banker Magazine.

The award acknowledges his effective leadership in navigating Kenya’s economy through global challenges and fostering market stability.
The African Banker Awards Committee commended Dr. Thugge’s remarkable achievements, highlighting the CBK’s strategic role under his guidance in addressing market imperfections and steering the economy towards a growth trajectory.
Dr. Thugge expressed his gratitude upon receiving the award, recognizing the collaborative efforts of the CBK’s Board, Monetary Policy Committee, management, and staff.

He also acknowledged the crucial role of President William Ruto’s leadership, the National Treasury, the President’s Council of Economic Advisors, banking sector colleagues, and development partners.

This recognition underscores Kenya’s sound macroeconomic policies, a collaborative effort Dr. Thugge attributed to President Ruto’s leadership and the collective efforts of various stakeholders.

The African Banker Awards, now in their 18th year, celebrate individuals and institutions that significantly contribute to Africa’s economic growth by reforming, modernizing, and expanding the continent’s banking and financial sector.