Kilifi Leaders Laud Teacher Appointed As CEC

"We want to say thank you to the Governor for the choice of Mr Kaingu. That is not only a reward for Ganze but a sign that loyalist pays," he said.

Leaders in Ganze, Kilifi County have welcomed the appointment of career teacher Felkin Kaingu as the County Executive Member in charge of Public Service Management.

Addressing reporters in Kilifi town, the leaders praised Governor Gideon Mung’aro for the appointment of Mr Kaingu who was before his appointment a Masii High school principal.

The leaders who included former Bamba MCA Daniel Mangi, former Sokoke Councillor Albert Ruwa Kidewe, Former Ndigiria Councillor Karisa Nyiro and business man Joseph Maduka lauded the Governor for giving two of his county cabinet slots to Ganze sub county.

Mr Mangi said the appointment of Mr Kaingu was a reward for Ganze that worked tirelessly for the election of Governor Mung’aro.

“We want to say thank you to the Governor for the choice of Mr Kaingu. That is not only a reward for Ganze but a sign that loyalist pays,” he said.

Mr Mangi also poked holes on a statement by Sokoke MCA Thaura Mweni that the Governor had not considered Ganze in his county cabinet members.

“We were shocked at some sentiments from leaders in Bamba last weekend blaming the Governor that he sidelined the region. That is not true because Mr Kaingu is a resident of Ganze and rightful deserves the position. We support the governor on his choice,” said Mangi.

While announcing his county cabinet members several weeks ago, Governor Mung’aro appointed Dr Peterson Chula Mwagona as CEC in charge of Agriculture and Livestock and Mr Felkin Kaingu as the CEC in charge of Public Service and Disaster Management. Both come from Ganze.

Mr Kidewe said the appointment of the two CECs from Ganze was one of the best move and that Ganze people will remain in heart.

He brushed off sentiment by Mr Mweni that Kaingu does not come from Ganze.

“Ganze people are happy with the appointments. Mr Kaingu comes from Ganze and it was unfortunately that some leaders disputed his appointment. We want to tell Mr Thaura that his sentiment was ill advised and should apologize to the Governor,” said Mr Kidewe.

He said that Mr Kaingu while working as a school principal, assisted many students to access their education,sometimes donating his own cash to assist these students.

“Ganze is with you so we are asking that when the time comes up for the appointment of chief officers kindly give another slot for Ganze,”he said.

Mr Kidewe also blamed sentiment by leaders who claimed that the Governor was biased in the issuance of relief food and that he was only targeting ODM zones.

“These blanket and false accusations are untrue,” he said.

Mr Nyiro said even though politics were over, there are some politicians who still think that we are in campaign period.

“Since Kilifi County still gets a lot of funding because of its hardship areas, we kindly ask the Governor to look into road infrastructure in Ganze that is not well at the moment,” said Mr Nyiro.

Last weekend during the homecoming and Thanksgiving party for Ganze MP Kenneth Kazungu in Bamba, Mr Mweni claimed that the Governor had not included any person from Ganze in the list of his cabinet members.

” I want to tell the Governor that he should not overlook Ganze because he received a good number of votes that added to his win. The person purported to come from Ganze is not a resident of this region. We went a Ganze person to be considered at least for the position of CECs,” said Mr Mweni.

The CECs are set for Assembly vetting next week.