Mother In Shock As Son Kills Himself Over ‘Weed Money’

Boy Commits Suicide After Her Mother Declined This Request

Kirinyaga residents have expressed concern over the growing number of suicide cases after a 26-year-old man committed suicide when his mother denied him money to buy bhang.

Peter Mwangi, the deceased, is alleged to have hung himself on Monday night at their rental home in Kagio town.

According to the neighborhood police, the man was inebriated when he requested for the money on Wednesday.

Police said that this is the fourth recent case of people dying by suicide in the area.

“The man begged his mother for money to buy bhang, but she refused. The man seemed to be drunk and frail “According to the cops.

“He was upset because he had been refused money, and everybody assumed he went to sleep, but he got a rope and hung himself.”

He stated that there has been an upsurge in the number of suicides committed by young guys in the region.

Residents have expressed concern about the growth in drug usage among young people in the region.