Teenager Kills Girl Over Memory Card

A 16-year-old minor has been arrested for murder after a disagreement over a 2GB memory card.

The juvenile stabbed her age mate on the left side of her chest, killing her instantly, in a shocking incident that has left villagers in Mulot, Bomet county, in tears.

Attempts to rush the deceased to the hospital were futile after doctors at the Longisa district hospital confirmed her death. 

In the sleepy Mulot Sunset trading center, the incident occurred outside Sweet Wines and Spirits, next to West Inn bar.

May be an image of outdoors and text that says "MULOT SUNSET"

It is unclear whether the adolescent girls were school-aged children or engaged in any illegal activities.

The suspect was apprehended and is currently being processed for arraignment at the Mulot police station. 

Meanwhile, detectives have expanded the scope of their investigation into this case to determine whether adults accompanied the young girls to the liquor stores, whether they were intoxicated prior to their argument, and who was to blame. 

Mulot town has recently gained a reputation as a haven for mobile money fraudsters, with the majority of suspects caught up in the fast-growing crime being arrested in the area.

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