Will the Kenya Navy swing a surprise and recover a car and missing body of mother and child at a sea bed Valley in Likoni? This is the muted question as the Kenya Navy men zero in on at the base of the Valley to recover the bodies.
It is anticipated that the car wreck may be pulled out “anytime now”.
Marine experts privy to the undersea topography at Likoni channel say that the vehicle that sank there a week ago is trapped in a valley.
The experts say that the sea bed is dotted with valleys and hills of various heights and depths. Bodies of Mother and daughter are still trapped there….and experts have already identified the location of the car.
The car and remains can be pulled out of the valley anytime.
But to recover the car, the rescue teams have to navigate a treacherous sea bed, with the risk of losing more lives. The exercise is being coordinated by the Kenya Navy. Consequently, the car rescue mission has to be undertaken with the utmost care.
“I can confirm that no object…not even sharks can exit Likoni channel…one at the bottom, nothing leaves. The car has not left the place it sank to”, an expert said.
Rescuers and marine experts are zeroing in in the car object with a view to retrieving it.
The search and car rescue mission for missing bodies of Mother and child buried under the sea for the last one week has brought everything to a standstill at the Likoni crossing channel.
Dredging at the port has also stopped. Marine experts now say the chances of recovering the vehicle are very high…as it is said to be trapped in a deep Valley at the channel.
In the likely event that the body of Mother and daughter are recovered, they will be handed over to the Police for investigations.
This will be followed by a post mortem to determine the exact cause of death for purposes of further investigations and statutory reasons such as insurance compensation.
The car wreck will be handed over to scenes of crime experts to confirm whether the vehicle reverse was engaged as claimed by the Kenya Ferry services personnel.
The recovery of the vehicle is of paramount interest to investigators as it will put to rest allegations that the car dropped into the sea…