My Wife Should Know She Is A Blessing — Jamal Tells Amber Ray

Businessman Jamal admits to being a serial cheater before he met his second wife Amber Ray , during an interview at Jalango TV. – By Stephanie Mwangi.

Jamal said that Amber Ray has changed a lot of things about him and has made him drop his cheating behavior .

“Before I met Amber I was living a very expensive life, per day nilikua natumia 50 k kwa madem tu, nilikua na madem tofauti yani nilikua na dame alafu hata namsahau .

My wife should know that my wife is a blessing ,she came into my life and she has changed a lot of things , she has showed me everything because I was a loner na hakuna mtu dangerous kama loner .

He went on to say that Amber has made her change her cheating ways , that he used to drive to Nanyuki or Mombasa and he would drive alone and the girls or girl would have to meet him there.

“Funniest thing nilimpatia social media counts zangu akue akimanage za Instagram, yaani nilisha change lifestyle yangu niliacahana na hiyo life na once chali asha make hiyo decision …. Kuna stage inaitwa hoe phase where you just get girls and you don’t exactly know what you want from them .

Jamal also said that he had bought Amber Ray a house in Hurlingam but currently they are neighbors with his first wife in Siyokimau.

He and his wife have known each other since they were in form two and whatever they have they have built it together  .