Nandi Teacher Stabbed To Death

Written By John Mutiso  📝

The deputy principal of Siksik secondary school in Chesumei constituency, Nandi County was yesterday stabbed to death by his wife following a domestic row. 

The couples are said to have been at loggerheads over infidelity claims.

It is reported that the 34-year-old Gideon Kemboi and his 27- year-old wife Sharon Kemboi have been having family issues for the last few years.

According to an eyewitness Tecla Jerotich, The couples have never had peace in their home.

“Quarrel, fights, and screams have been the order of the day in the couple’s family for some time now,” he said.

Following the conflict between the two, Sharon reportedly took a kitchen knife and stabbed her husband in the chest.

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