NARWASCO Arrests Eight Suspects In Illegal Water Connections

The crackdown aimed to end cases of water scarcity and address the issue of revenue loss.

Police in Narok have arrested eight suspects in connection with illegal water connections in the Narok area.

The crackdown aimed to end cases of water scarcity and address the issue of revenue loss.

It was led by Narok County Commissioner Isaac Masinde, Narok Water and Sewerage Company (NARWASCO) officials led by Managing Director Justus Lemein, and police.

According to Masinde, those apprehended were discovered destroying laid water pipes to channel water to their businesses in the town’s lower Majengo estates.

“We launched a crackdown in the lower Majengo estate, arresting those who were illegally connecting water to their properties and evading payment of water bills.” “We will go everywhere to ensure that people obey the law,” Masinde said.

He stated that the crackdown would be carried out in all other major towns where the company supplies water, such as Olulung’a, Suswa, and Kilgoris.