Nation Media Group Condemns Attack By CS Kuria

    Nation Media Group has condemned Trade CS Moses Kuria’s remarks about the media House.

    The Group said in a statement released on Monday that the verbal attack using foul and crude language against them is shocking, primitive, and inexcusable in the eyes of level-headed Kenyans who expect cabinet secretaries to conduct themselves with decorum befitting their high offices.

    “It constitutes a serious violation of Chapter 4 Bill of Rights, particularly the freedom of the press. We note that the attacks on media have been sustained since the Kenya Kwanza government took office,” the statement reads.

    They claimed that this is not the first time CS Kuria has attacked Nation Media and the media in general.

    “At the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, he urged the public to shun buying newspapers as a way of keeping the virus at bay. He is also on record as having used an expletive on a Nation journalist on live television during his tenure as Gatundu South MP,”  the statement reads.

    They also stated that Kuria’s statement attempting to intimidate government agencies from placing advertisements with NMG does not represent government policy.

    “We also wish to remind CS Kuria that he has no legal powers to make such a sweeping declaration.”

    Furthermore, they claimed that such statements put pressure on civil servants, eroding the integrity of public debate and putting at risk, unfairly and directly, the media freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

    “No government should weaponise taxpayer’s funds at its disposal to punish media for exposing public ills in a bid to influence editorial integrity,” the statement reads.

    They stated that they will continue to defend their media freedoms and their role as the public watchdog.

    They also demanded an immediate apology and retraction from the CS.

    “We call upon the courts, the general public, media organisations and the international community to reject, condemn and take stern, appropriate action against these attempts to abrogate the rights of Kenyans.”

    They also urged President William Ruto to publicly state his commitment to media freedom and distance himself from statements made by Kuria and others that tarnish his government’s image.