Pregnant Woman Attacked by Mombasa Panga Gang

Written By Henry Kimoli 📝

Police in Mombasa are looking for a gang that attacked and slashed an expectant woman with a panga during a crime wave in the Likoni area.

The 27 year-old woman, who is eight months pregnant,had an injury in the head following the attack that happened as she walked to a nearby clinic.

She told police that she was accosted by a man who pulled her hair and snatched her purse, which contained her clinic card, ID card, 50 shillings, and pregnancy scans, before the assailant slashed her in the head, causing two deep cuts.

She screamed which forced the assailant to escape as her neighbours rushed to her rescue. 

According to police, special squads have been formed to hunt down the new panga gang operating in Mombasa’s informal areas.

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